Albert Kodua
Albert Kodua
Albert Kodua – Virginia

Albert Kodua

City:  Dale City
School:  Osbourn Park High School
College Plans:  George Mason University
Major:  Mechanical
Professional Plans:  NASA Engineer / Researcher

Honors:  National Honor Society Virginia Earth System Science Scholar (VESSS), Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholar (VASTS), 2015-2016 Osbourn Park High School Academic Award, 2016 – 2017 Osbourn Park High School Academic Award, Virginia Earth System Science Scholar (VESSS) Summer Academy Participant, Carnegie Mellon Summer Academy for Math and Science Participant, NOVEC Youth Tour Participant, Osbourn Park High School Biotechnology Program Participant, Letter of Commendation from Senator Jeremey McPike and Delegate Elizabeth Guzman, Team Captain of Osbourn Park Hackathon Team

Activities:  Track and Field, Summer Quest Volunteer at Chinn Park Regional Library (6 Years), VEX Robotics High School Mentor, NASA High School Student Ambassador, Math Honor Society, Biotechnology Club, Virginia-NASA Club, Young Adult Book Club, FIRST Robotics Competition, VEX Robotics (5 Years), Forensics and Debate Team

Albert also loves gardening, listening to music, reading, running and all types of sports. He enjoys playing cards and video games, coding, watching movies and YouTube videos and checking social media. While at camp, Albert hopes to learn dancing, methods for making music, wrestling techniques, rugby and drama. He would be willing to teach coding in JAVA and ROBOTC and creative writing.

We look forward to meeting you at the 2018 National Youth Science Camp, Albert!