Olivia Gotte
Olivia Gotte
Olivia Gotte – Louisiana

Olivia Dawn Gotte

City:  Natchitoches
School:  Louisiana School for Math, Sciences and Arts
College Plans:  Louisiana State University or Tulane
Major:  Biochemistry
Professional Plans:  Medical Specialist

Honors:  Graduating with honors, National Honor Society, Beta Club, Girl’s State

Activities:  Speech and Debate, Drama, Cheerleading

Olivia also enjoys listening to music, traveling, photography and reading. She likes to hike, play cards, bike, watch movies and dance. Olivia would love to teach anyone interested, cheerleading stunting and hopes to have the opportunity to learn more in depth dancing and maybe some circus stunts!

We look forward to meeting you at the 2018 National Youth Science Camp, Olivia!