William Eric Mossbrook
South Carolina
City: Woodruff
School: Woodruff High School
College Plans: Clemson University’s Calhoun Honors College
Major: Bioengineering
Professional Plans: Orthopedic Surgeon
Honors: Valedictorian, National Honor Society, Beta Club, Boy’s State, National Merit Commended Student, Valedictorian of his Scholars Academy class at the University of South Carolina Upstate, USC Upstate Chancellor’s List every semester since Freshman year.
Activities: Church Activities, Baseball
Will also enjoys traveling, sports fishing, hiking and camping and skeet shooting. He also likes watching movies, biking and playing cards. Will is willing to teach anyone interested this summer all about fly-fishing and would love to learn how to play guitar!
We are looking forward to meeting you at the 2018 National Youth Science Camp, Will!