Want to get involved with the 2025 National Youth Science Camp? The National Youth Science Academy (formerly the National Youth Science Foundation) invites qualified STEAM professionals to submit interest to present at the NYSCamp. Whether you’re looking for a one-time commitment or multiple opportunities to interact with delegates, please consider applying to present at camp.
This year we plan to run a fully in-person camp from July 10 to August 2, 2025. In-person programming will occur at Camp Horseshoe (near Parsons, West Virginia), in locations surrounding Camp, or in Washington, DC.

Because the NYSAcademy covers all student participant expenses, we host quite a diverse group. The students are enthusiastic and curious in general. They seem to appreciate an environment where they find, often for the first time, substantial peer support for their interest in STEAM fields. They enjoy the attention of STEAM professionals and staff members who provide the intellectual nurturing they have craved but not often received; excellence is cool and inquisitive minds are normal. The atmosphere is relaxed and offers a beautiful retreat from the demands of everyday life.
The NYSAcademy plans carefully to meet basic program needs and ensure that the programs are offered free of cost to the students; therefore, we cannot offer honorariums. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Most presentations will take place in-person; you may propose programming in any of the following formats:
- Lectures: Lectures at camp start at 9:15 AM or 8:00 PM on most “regular” days of camp. Lectures should aim to be about 45 to 60 minutes’ worth of content, with the remaining minutes for a Q&A session; with a total run time of 75 minutes. Although we welcome a diversity of lecture proposals, there will be a limited number of total lecture slots (approximately 25) available during camp. If you propose a lecture that won’t fit into our in-person lecture schedule, we may be able to have you present it as a virtual lecture after camp instead.
- Directed Study: In these sessions, which last approximately 90 minutes over a three-day period, a presenter provides an interactive and hands-on opportunity to learn more about a specific topic for a small group of delegates. The participants should be able to pose questions, develop conceptual understanding through exploration, and draw conclusions. Delegates are expected to attend all sessions of a directed study. Directed studies can also include “homework” assignments for the delegates to work on in preparation for the next session. Unless the nature of the directed study makes it absolutely necessary, we ask that you do not put a participant limit on your directed study. There will be three directed study blocks in 2025.
- Directed Overnighter: Between directed study blocks, some of the overnighters have been less about overnight backpacking and instead offer the opportunity to be directed by visiting scholars who turn the overnight trip into a directed study. If you’d like to propose a directed overnighter during one of our three overnighter blocks, we welcome these!
- In Person Tour: If you would like to propose a tour for the delegation while the delegates are in West Virginia or in Washington, DC you may propose one. Past in-person tours have included the Greenbank Observatory and the National Art Gallery.
- Special Events: Each year at camp, we provide some special surprise events for delegates. If you’d like to propose to host a special event (a concert, tour, or something similar) please let us know.
- Seminars: If you are selected as an in-person lecturer or directed study presenter, you can also host a seminar session or two while at camp. These seminars have included demonstrations, tutorials, and opportunities for delegates to practice skills like self-defense, cooking, yoga, music, sports, outdoor skills, solving puzzles, calligraphy, 3-D printing, storytelling, etc.
Presenters must adhere to NYSAcademy policies and procedures. These include:
- Abuse Policy and Procedures
- Anti-Harassment Policy
- Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Policy
- Human Subjects Policy and Procedures
- Inclusivity Policy
- Motor Vehicle Operating Policy
- Safety and Emergency Plan
- Presenters must agree not to use any human (delegate, student, staff member, or guest) as an anatomical model under any circumstance.
- Presenters must agree not to use personal characteristics to denigrate any individual.
- Presenters must agree to not use inappropriate language.
Submit a Proposal
All presenters will fill out the below form to potentially serve as one of our guests at the 2025 National Youth Science Camp. If you have any questions, please reach out to the NYSCamp Director at kiona.meade@nysacademy.org.
Directed Study dates: |
1) July 14 – 16 |
2) July 19 – 21 |
3) July 25 – 27 |
Directed Overnighter dates: |
1) July 17 – 18 |
2) July 23 – 24 |
3) July 29 – 30 |