Ms. Katie Inderbitzen, NH 1998, Staph 1999
Katie and Dr. Enid Sichel (Mass. Maritime Academy) aboard the R/V Atlantis prior to Dive #4436 in the Alvin submersible in September, 2008. We dived 2660m down to the seafloor to work on several of the subseafloor observatories (CORKs) installed on the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank. These observatories are an integral part of my Ph.D. research, as they allow us to observe patterns of fluid and geochemical transport over long timescales (decades) and distances (kilometers). During this particular dive, I downloaded data from pressure gauges and a thermistor string hanging inside the ocean crust, in preparation for one CORK to be connected to the NEPTUNE Canada cabled observatory, that now allows us to access our data in real-time. Dr. Sichel was testing an optical communications device (like underwater wireless!) over long distances. In the background is the stern of DSV Alvin, and you can see our pilot, Mark Spear, about to climb into the sail to begin his pre-dive checks. The sub launches daily at 8AM (weather permitting) and returns to the ship by 5PM. The temperature at the bottom drops to the high 40s (F) so we’re always sure to bring lots of warm clothes to layer on. My science camp shirt has always been a staple of my cruise and dive gear!
Science Camp alumni know that they never fully leave the NYSC; rather they are on one very long OCE (out of camp experience). In a new recurring feature, the Foundation will highlight alumni with photos of themselves and NYSC-branded items (shirts, Nalgenes, flying discs, etc.) in their adventures around the world. To be considered for this series, please send your photo along with a caption and a short personal bio to And, if you need some NYSC stuff to take on your OCE, please visit the online Camp Store.